Invest in Tangier Headlines

Saturday 10 March 2007

Morocco has always been a celebrity destination

The celebrity location

Writers, painters, actors, musicians, stars and celebrities in general, regardless of fashion, have always been attracted to Morocco . The phenomenon, which goes back to the last century, has never waned.

A simple detour via Marrakech will be enough to convince you. In just a few years, the “ Pearl of the South” has become a key location for artists and celebrities. Here, Naomi Campbell and Madonna have their homes. As you walk through the city, do not be surprised to bump into Bruce Willis, Jamel Debouzze , Bernard-Henri Lévy, Anne Sinclair, Gérard Depardieu, Johnny Halliday, Jack Lang or Ophélie Winter… Like many others, they have given in to the charm of the region.

Why hide out in the Pacific islands or major capitals when Morocco has absolutely everything needed to experience a dream stay? A great way of life, beautiful towns and panoramas and kind people… the charm of Morocco has always attracted people of good taste.

Yesterday like today, several illustrious personalities have lived there: Delacroix, Matisse, Gaudi, Alexandre Dumas, Roland Barthes , Truman Capote, Joseph Kessel, Samuel Beckett, Saint-Exupéry, Tolstoy, Sean Connery, John Malkovitch, or Elizabeth Taylor … to mention just a few.

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